Tractor Of The Year

Tractor of the Year is an international award that yearly a group of independent journalists – specialized in agricultural mechanization – assigns to the best tractor in the European market. The international jury is composed by 26 editorial projects including all kind of media such as paper ma...

Sustainable Bus Award

Sustainable Bus Award is the first and only European award that acknowledges sustainability in the field of buses and coaches. It mustn’t be considered just a prize to the ‘greener’ bus. Actually, Sustainable Bus Award is based on a cross-cutting idea of sustainability, intended as the ability to es...

Sustainable Truck of The Year

Sustainable Truck of the Year is the award born in 2016 based on the Sustainability Index introduced in 2015 by the Vado e Torno magazine. An index that through a percentage, easy to understand, measures the sustainability of any transport vehicle. Both the Index and the sustainability award are not...

Al via il corso ‘Mobility Manager’

Corso Mobility Manager, un percorso di formazione al via. Il Mobility Manager, figura professionale introdotta in Italia, sull’onda emotiva degli accordi del protocollo di Kyoto per la riduzione delle emissioni inquinanti dal c.d. Decreto Ronchi, (D.M. 27 Marzo 1998) è il responsabile della mobilita...

Anav Futura, il focus sull’elettrico. Lezione con Andrea Bottazzi

Il sesto appuntamento Anav Futura, in programma ieri e oggi a Roma, ha messo al centro dell’attenzione il tema delle trazioni alternative. La due giorni è stata impreziosita dall’intervento di Andrea Bottazzi, dirigente tecnico di Tper Bologna, che ha tenuto una lezione sulla gestione de...
  1. Indietro
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  9. Avanti